Great story. It appeared too long, but I got to the end without resting one second or skipping anything. This is very unusual for me when I read stories that have more than 6 paragraphs. Thank you for the confirmation of my belief that there's many good people who do the right thing for the sake of doing good and not because they need approval or reward.
never a jw
JoinedPosts by never a jw
It's about progress, not perfection...
by scratchme1010 ini guess at this point in time and space i'm ok if there's an indication of things going in the right direction.. my jw father, who joined the jws in 1973 when i was 8, has always had all the characteristics of the stereotypical brainwashed born again weirdo.
as a jw he always felt the need to show that he was more devoted than the rest of the crop.
to him, life became very easy from that point on: "the bible", interpreted by the millions of wt publications, along with the information in the meetings and getting involved in all jw activities, were the answer to everything and anything in his life".
never a jw
Lewis V Watchtower
by Richard Oliver inas some may know as reported by jwsurvey in october 2014 that a lawsuit against watchtower was initiated in vermont.
march 30, 2017 saw a resolution to this case with a summary judgment being filled in watchtower favor..
never a jw
Richard Oliver: "I never said it was a good thing. I just presented that the case is now over."
Good to know. Now we can rely that you will keep us informed about all child abuse cases related to the Watchtower, ruled in favor or against. Who needs apostates, we got Richard. right?
The Watchtower are Right About Blood...
by cofty in... but, they fail to take note of one important detail.. i believe that if we are going to have any chance of reasoning with a jw about blood, this is the place we need to begin.. don't try to convince them that it was only a dietary law.
it wasn't, and they will never go along with it.. don't tell them that saving a life is more important than obeying a law, even a seemingly trivial one.
they take pride in obedience.
never a jw
Fish: "you are no authority here."
And who the hell is an authority on the thoughts and will of the silence, invisible thing on a throne in the sky. If God really wanted to communicate his will in a clear matter, he wouldn't need humans. He created the universe; I guess to utter a clear simple sentence about refusal of blood transfusion is much easier than building galaxies. But he ain't doing anything. Likely, he doesn't give a shit one way or the other.
by FedUpJW inplease excuse me for long-winded ranting.
i know, as do most of us here that "love" is not something that the jdub's are known for except in their deluded, feeble minds.. i can handle their hypocrisy when it is directed at me, but when it is aimed at family who for decades have genuinely been the type of jw that the watchtower presents to the public, and when it is motivated by pure hate, then i get pissed!.
my mother was dunked in the 1940's and my father in the 1950's.
never a jw
Sorry about the loss of your mother. Sorry about your father discovering so late in life that he wasted so much of it serving a heartless corporation. At least you know better. Take care of your dad and keep any of his assets as far away as possible from the Watchtower's vultures.
Prison chaplain.
by quellycatface ini'm rather gobsmacked to hear that an elder in my ex congregation has been appointed a prison chaplain (in the uk).
the reason for my disbelief, is that, this particular prison is for "schedule 1" offenders - covering sex crimes, child abuse/paedophilia and even downloading child pornography.
the reason for my reaction is that he has at least 9 "disciples" who have a bible study but i cannot help but think that when they are released, they will be part of a congregation, where they will have access to children and vulnerable people?
never a jw
Holy shit!!!
My son was accepted to prestigious universities
by never a jw insome background needed.
five years ago i decided to research what i thought was a good religion, the religion of my jw wife, to whom i have been married for almost 23 years.
what prompted my research was my then 14 y.o.
never a jw
Thank you all. I am just glad that he never applied to Bethel.
I am the last person who can write an objective opinion of my own son, so I will write a brief and bias summary anyways. He is a very exceptional kid. He has a good measure of brains and heart.
I am very glad that, thanks to you, I was able to pull him out of the cult on time. It would have been a pity if more human talent is wasted supporting a real estate empire disguised as a charity.
He hasn't decided yet whether he goes to UCLA or Berkeley, but whatever school or career he chooses, he will do very well.
My son was accepted to prestigious universities
by never a jw insome background needed.
five years ago i decided to research what i thought was a good religion, the religion of my jw wife, to whom i have been married for almost 23 years.
what prompted my research was my then 14 y.o.
never a jw
Some background needed. Five years ago I decided to research what I thought was a good religion, the religion of my JW wife, to whom I have been married for almost 23 years. What prompted my research was my then 14 y.o. daughter asking me to get baptized. Since at that moment I still believed it was a good religion, I consented on the spot. My opinion took a 180 few days later. But thanks to you and many others who have been active since the days of Raymond Franz I was able to prevent a catastrophe. No, not my daughter. She got baptized and is still in because I couldn't "dishonor" my self by reversing my decision. However, I was able to pull out my unbaptized son out of the cult. He has put his heart and soul into school: academics, sports, traveling, and anything he had the time to get his hands on. His only regret now is that he didn't get into sports earlier. I take the blame for that, of course.
But let's give credit where credit is due. This fine man just escaped by a narrow margin the clutches of the Watchtower thanks to you all. If anyone can offer advice regarding UCLA or U.C. Berkeley I would greatly appreciate it. We live in Los Angeles., but in the end, it will be whatever he chooses.
Who else is tired of attacking/defending Islam?
by Spoletta inat this point, i think we have a good idea of everyone's opinion of islam.
for the love of god, can we move on to something else!
never a jw
I am not tired yet. In fact, I haven't even started. -
Todays Daily text is yet another gem of spiritual encouragement
by NikL inwednesday, march 29.
if a man takes a false step before he is aware of it, you who have spiritual qualifications try to readjust such a man in a spirit of mildness.—gal.
kindness can help you to deal with a conflict of loyalties.
never a jw
George Orwell wrote the book on Jehovah's Witnesses (1984). He just changed names to protect the identities of real people and deities.
A religon of the women, by the men, for the men
by never a jw inmy wife and daughter organized some sort of tea party for the older sisters in the congregation.
here are the details:: .
2 happily married to believers who do the minimum to stay off the radar of congregation police, .
never a jw
By the way, what prompted the thread is unexpectedly learning that one of those sister had separated from her JW husband. Something I am seeing quite often, especially in couples who have stayed together in the truth for 20 years or more, and raised their children there too. It seems that in many of those cases divorce follows after disfellowshipping or fading of the male mate. A story that we all are very familiar with: "man wakes up, man tries awakening female, female talks to the elders, male gets disfellowshipped, male and female divorce"
I see only doom and gloom in the horizon. You better watch out Watchtower.